Project 1:
6 - Color Modernist Composition
Gouache on paper
We were told to make a composition using three primary colored shapes that were to overlap enough times that both primary and secondary colors would be present, the background was then supposed to be a light neutral color made by mixing a little of the colors we had left on our pallet with white.

Project 2:
3D object on a monochromatic pattern field
Gouache on paper
Honestly not very proud of this one. I rushed on it and didn't mix a very good grey value scale so the little pig came out badly. Also, it wasn't placed in a way that made it particularly interesting.

Project 3:
Patrick Caulfield inspired compositions with 3 different color schemes
Gouache on paper
The requirements for this project were to have an object (or small group of objects) broken down into simpler shapes but still recognizable, and a clear light source. We were to have three different color scheme variations of the same composition. For my object I chose an office tape dispenser, which I took a picture of after setting it on the floor beneath a window next to a file cabinet and chair. The color scheme used for this piece was Split Complimentary, using blue, red-orange, and yellow-orange.

Project 3:
Patrick Caulfield inspired compositions with 3 different color schemes
Gouache on paper
The color scheme used in this painting was Triadic, using Secondary colors.

Project 3:
Patrick Caulfield inspired compositions with 3 different color schemes
Gouache on paper
Patrick Caulfield inspired compositions with 3 different color schemes
Gouache on paper
The color scheme used was Analogous, yellow-orange, yellow, and yellow-green

Project 4:
Al Held and Josef Albers inspired composition
Gouache on paper
We were to create a composition using shapes like Al Held did, and have at least one instance of either two colors that look like one, or one color that looks like two, based on the Josef Albers' Interaction of Color construction paper exercise that we had done at the beginning of the project,

Project 5:
Dark Room Painting
Gouache on Masonite board
We went into the dark room (meaning it was lit by red lights only), and our professor had mixed up several pallets that we were to use to make our painting, which we had worked out only in a grey scale from the start of the project. It may be hard to tell, but despite some of the areas looking yellow, they are actually a yellow-green color. One of the downsides of working in the dark room was that painting quality went down because it was hard to see the edges of where gouache had already been applied (especially with light colors such as yellow).

This is the grayscale sketch I took into the dark room as a reference for what colors should go where based on appearance in the dark room.

Project 6:
CMYK Mono-print inspired by Paul Klee
CMYK Mono-print inspired by Paul Klee
We never used the K layer of ink (Black) due to the amount of time we had available, about 3 hours of class time to finish each mono-print. This was the third monoprint I did in this semester, the other two were not supposed to be Paul Klee inspired, and we were given pretty much free reign as to what we made with the prints as long as one was Paul Klee inspired. The other two mono-prints have not been scanned into the computer yet, but hopefully will be added into this project soon.

This piece was submitted into this semester's Student Exhibition. I gave it the title "Patterned." Though the original composition was horizontal, due to the abstract nature of the print, it can be hung vertically or horizontally.

Project 7:
Memesis 2013: A Broadside Collaboration
Gouache on paper
We were each given a poem, written by a student from the Introduction to Creative Writing class. We were to paint something based on that poem, and we later scanned in the paintings and set the poem text over them. I will upload the piece with the poem once I relocate the file for it. Once everyone had set the poem type onto their paintings, the images were printed out, and we each got a trade portfolio of everyone's piece.
The poem that inspired this painting:
By Amber Keim
The sun rises
On this town
Before me I see
The locals sit
On their porches like
Weathered mountains
Memories reach back
Into forever
Passed through
I walk and
They see me
A stranger in their
Eyes that have
Seen all
Watch me
Whispers can be heard
Who? Where?
And most of all
By Amber Keim
The sun rises
On this town
Before me I see
The locals sit
On their porches like
Weathered mountains
Memories reach back
Into forever
Passed through
I walk and
They see me
A stranger in their
Eyes that have
Seen all
Watch me
Whispers can be heard
Who? Where?
And most of all